University for the Planet seeks to advance the knowledge, community, and tools that focus on the intersection of human potential and planetary health.

We call these tools Operating Systems for Thrivability.
ERA Forum
Discover up-and-coming painters, potters, and designers in a city that's brimming with talent.
Discover up-and-coming painters, potters, and designers in a city that's brimming with talent.
Intergenerational dialogue
Discover up-and-coming painters, potters, and designers in a city that's brimming with talent.
Peaceful Futures
Discover up-and-coming painters, potters, and designers in a city that's brimming with talent.
Regenerative Education
Discover up-and-coming painters, potters, and designers in a city that's brimming with talent.
Holistic Incubator
Women circle
Discover up-and-coming painters, potters, and designers in a city that's brimming with talent.
Knowledge Garden
Discover up-and-coming painters, potters, and designers in a city that's brimming with talent.
U4P Talks
Discover up-and-coming painters, potters, and designers in a city that's brimming with talent.
Our current main projects, goals, values, and blah-blah-blah
"The Next 100 Years" book offers a guide for the coming decades of transformation of the global human civilization that already trespassed many critical environmental, social, technological, and spiritual "thresholds" of sustainable existence. The unfolding polycrisis produces a "make it or break it" moment, calling for cultural & economic foundations of humanity to be "rebooted" - else the society faces an immense collapse within the next 3-4 decades.
GEF is a path breaking and paradigm forming initiative that takes on the challenge of exploring, experimenting, emerging, and engaging systemic innovation for lifelong and lifewide learning.

By fostering the emergence of living learning communities, and bringing these communities into connection with each other to form socio-technical learning ecosystems, we are paving the way for a new brand of human to emerge.
Our current main projects, goals, values, and blah-blah-blah
In the Evolutionary Renaissance Assembly forum, we aim to catalyse a conversation about a new long-term dream for humanity - and making it real. What can heal our civilisational wounds, inspire co creation of the future, and lead to universal flourishing? Can the evolutionary transition of humankind be guided, and how can this guidance engage all of us? What needs to change in models of education, governance, economy, and culture so that this dream of ‘thriveable’ futures can be fulfilled? What is our dream of the Earth, and what does the Earth dream for us?

A global leader and pioneer in business strategy, Boston Consulting Group (BCG) works closely with giants in the corporate world and society to take on their most important challenges and tap into their greatest opportunities. We go beyond ideas to design solutions and implement meaningful action. We’re dedicated to helping our clients do amazing things and unlocking the potential of those who advance the world. Join us, and you can too.
Every month
Real-world leaders showcase impactful projects, revealing unconventional future thinking, sustainable business models, and new leadership cultures, empowering us to co-create a "good" and sustainable future.
Twice a month, on Fridays
A new experimental, hands-on U4P format for women of all ages and all cultures and traditions who see their life's journey as exploring and improving our world through their own journey and transformation as women, mothers, leaders, wives, and partners.
ERA 2024
Autumn 2024
Why eat dinner off a plain old white plate when you can feast from a Moroccan platter?
Why eat dinner off a plain old white plate when you can feast from a Moroccan platter?
Why eat dinner off a plain old white plate when you can feast from a Moroccan platter?
Feel free to write and call us. We really love to contribute.
Since 2023